Gaming Act Review Discussion Open


The UK Gaming Authority has initiated the discussion period pledged in the Gaming Act Review White Paper.

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The Gaming Act Review Discussion is now open.
The Gaming Act Review White Paper, released in April, contained a number of suggestions, such as bolstering affordability checks and providing more support for the Authority.

The Authority is seeking opinions from consumers, gaming companies and other interested parties on the various suggestions. The discussion process will last 12 weeks.

Specifically, the Authority is seeking opinions on the following four areas:

“These discussions provide an opportunity for people to share their thoughts on suggestions designed to empower and protect consumers,” said Tim Miller, Executive Director of Research and Policy at the Gaming Authority. “Many of these suggestions have already received a great deal of attention and examination, and the Government’s White Paper lays out the policy stance.

“We are pleased to now be focusing the discussion and engagement on the specifics of how these protections and controls will be implemented in practice. Today’s launch is a key moment in turning the promises of the White Paper into reality.”

Updated Regulations
The Government will also be launching discussions on online slot stake limits and updated regulations for casinos, bingo halls and arcades.

The Gambling Minister, Stuart Andrew, has declared that these discussions will modernize gambling regulations to align with the contemporary digital era. This is the primary impetus behind the creation of the Gambling Act Review White Paper.

Andrew stated that the government is modernizing gambling laws that have been in place for decades to make them suitable for the age of smartphones. He emphasized, “Our aim is to safeguard individuals from potential harm, while ensuring that those who enjoy a wager can continue to do so.”

“These discussions provide an opportunity for individuals to express their views, and I urge everyone to participate,” he added.

Furthermore, the commission is seeking input on matters not directly related to the White Paper’s commitments.

These topics include proposals aimed at clarifying and expanding the managerial roles of employees of operators who are anticipated to hold personal management licenses. Additionally, there are proposals concerning the composition and decision-making procedures of the commission’s regulatory body.

Consultations on all commission topics will be open for a period of twelve weeks.

However, this process has not been universally embraced. In May, members of the House of Lords expressed criticism regarding the quantity of measures being presented for consultation.

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