Tropicana Online Casino Returns to New Jersey Under Caesars Entertainment
The virtual doors of Tropicana Online Casino have reopened in the Garden State! A temporary closure last year, due to a partnership breakdown with Bally’s (formerly Gamesys, for those keeping track), left players in limbo. However, Caesars Entertainment came to the rescue, migrating player accounts to Caesars Casino in June 2022. Now, they’ve unveiled a revitalized Tropicana Online Casino platform, complete with enhanced features and integration with the popular Caesars Rewards program. Adding to the excitement, a brand-new Tropicana Casino app is available in New Jersey, allowing players to enjoy their favorite games from anywhere within state lines. This development is a major win for fans of the iconic Atlantic City Tropicana experience, bringing the same excitement and entertainment directly to their fingertips. Kudos to Caesars for their commitment to providing a top-notch gaming experience!
Tropicana Atlantic City’s top dog, Joe Giunta, expressed excitement about their internet casino. He stated it elevates their already fantastic games to a new echelon for New Jersey gamblers.
His focus is providing their clientele with an enjoyable and secure method to experience their preferred casino games anytime, anywhere.
This announcement follows Caesars Entertainment’s approval of PlayAGS material in New Jersey earlier this year. Online gaming appears to be flourishing in the Garden State!